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The Few She Loves

Virgo - Started out as a sibling for several years under Damacus.  While Kiora maintains that she hated her siblings, she shared a small common ground of both indifference and understanding with Virgo. After several years of being severed from Damacus, Kiora took Virgo as a sire, even despite their rocky past.  Under Virgo, Kiora feels centered and understood, as well as being free to be who she is without criticism or complaint.

Sired under Virgo on  January 1, 2017

-scarecrow-  Also known to most as Phineas.  Kiora calls him Liar and to him, she is wiggler. Kiora considers Phin to be her best secret friend and the only one to have ever shared her passion for the basement of Malice.  While Liar is skittish of Malice, he does visit frequently to enjoy the basement if Kiora is home to accompany him.  They share an odd relationship and Kiora is often seen giving him puzzle pieces and strange objects in passing through the tavern, with little other interaction.

Kione-  Kione is Kiora's longest and eldest childer.  He has stayed loyal to her through most everything, even when she didn't deserve it. He sleeps often but whenever he wakes, he comes to spend time with Kiora and she feels safe telling him anything.  They were severed for a brief few months during a long period of sleep by Kiora but promptely resired to her when she woke.

Sired to Kiora November of 2012

Seyda-  Seyda is heard referring to Kiora as her clone due to Kiora and Seyda's shared ballsy and blunt attitude.  Friends for years, despite the hassle she received from the Dumonts about their relationship.  Kiora still keeps Seyda as one of her closest friends, even through the horrible but brief binding between Seyda and Kiora's then sire, Rawnie, something that had drove a wedge between Rawnie and Kiora and ultimately led to Kiora severing. 

Bronsone-  One of Kiora's childer. He is distant and often very quiet about his affairs in the city but this is something Kiora loves about him.  She appreciates his ability to handle his business and she enjoys watching him grow into his own while she watches from close by.

Sired to Kiora in 2013

Jude (Suki) - No matter what ties Suki has had over the years, he has always belonged to Kiora in spirit, blood and heart.  Suki and Kiora are both attached to Malice through blood and soul.  Malice thrives only when both are living as residents of the mansion.  Kiora loves Suki as a human mother would love her son, even if she may be bad at expressing it well. 

Dank - Kiora and Dank had been friends for more than 5 years.  After some recent events, they managed to catch up again.  Oddly enough, they spent days talking, laughing, having little adventures and sharing deeper parts of themselves, that they had not before shared with one another. It didn't take long before they realized, they had what they wanted and needed all along right in front of them - each other.  They now spend their days and nights having Pirate adventures, and thieving missions, sex and laughs.  He accepts her as she is- weird, crazy, and terribly mean to most.  She loves how easy going and accommodating he is at all times.  The sex is amazing, which, for Kiora is extremely important- he is exciting and always willing to try all her insane propositions.  Kiora has finally found her forever place.

Dating since  May 5th

Bound August 13, 2017

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