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Sophie- The Human

Sophie, as a human, was often mistaken as homeless or part of a cruel foster system by strangers who would hand her money or food on the street. Those who knew her, ridiculed her on a regular basis, living in that funhouse.  Her family had owned the house for generations but few ever put effort into maintaining it and for as far back as Sophie knows the funhouse has not be open to the public.  As a young child she would sit for hours with her small broken dolls and ride the unsteady, creaking roller coaster through the grounds.

There had never been anything unusual or out of the ordinary at the Mansion of Malice- it was just an old decayed funhouse inhabited by the family- a broken, solemn family that rarely left the grounds for anything more than a few grocery items. As Sophie aged into a teenager, deprived of much social interaction, she would whisper her secrets from school to the house, and sneak through the hidden passages, making a game of it with the house.

Vampires and other creatures of the city were well known stories among the human residents of the city.  Many of them either turned hunter or victim, but even creatures of the night rarely bothered with the family within Malice.  Not from fear, surely, but lack of interest, lack of exciting prey to be chased or hunted. 

Within the home, Kiora was forced to practice ballet until her feet bled.  She endured broken bones and still she danced for her family.  She was the entertainment in many dark ways for the family - mother, father, uncle.  Her uncle, some would say a mad scientist, but to Sophie, there was never any actual science involved- it was pure torture and hatred that fueled his abuse of her.  He would electrocute her, burn her, pour acids in all sorts of combinations over her bruised and wounded skin.  Her parents watched in glee at the things done to her and she had even witnessed their sexual activities derived from watching her abused. 

By the time Sophie was a young adult, she had become all but immune to the pain.  She had grown angry.  One night, not long after she had turned 23, she had lashed out and murdered both of her parents.  Her intent had been to kill her uncle as well, but that night he came home, smelling of alcohol and something was different. Something was off. He roared at the sight of his murdered family and lunged at Sophie- it was then that she realized he had been turned. He was a vampire. One of the very creatures she knew the stories of, but had never witnessed herself.  There was a fight, Sophie stronger and less vulnerable than the small child he abused, and able to take more pain than most put up a struggle, and in the end- won.  But only barely- she sat in puddles of his blood and her own. She was weak and nearly dead.  She was also now a vampire, though she would not realize it for several days as she sat, tranced and just feeding on the blood that covered her.  


Only after several days, alone, and unmoved did the house begin to heal around her. She watched curiously from her spot as the wall paper started to shine, the floorboards started to straighten, the furniture pieced itself together.  She heard the hum of song again.  The roller coaster swooshed through like it was on it's first test ride.  Malice had come alive with Sophie that night.  The two of them had bonded and it was through Sophie that Malice now lived.  Together they would repay the debt owed to them both by the wretched human population that had rejected her, tormented her and created the angry vampire that now stood in the doorway of her vampiric fun house, laughing.  A loud, piercing, echoed laugh of hysteria. 

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