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Arrived in the city 10/31/2004

Past Clans:
Warriors of Eternity- Member (6 months)
Splinters- (1 month)
Ferrymen- member (2 years) Leader (4 years)
Past Sires:
Lady Lilac
Vermathrax Rex
Previous Companions:
Koubier- Succour/Friend
Rev Awk- Companion
Whatdidyousay (wdys)- Companion
Decivious- Friend
Ravana- Ergh.
*despite common misconceptions- Blutengel was never an actual companion- just linked in dirt nap and released at awakening.
Most accomplished Noob- 2005- Based on her popular club Carnal Desires.
Top Ten Best Events of 2006- Starting a war with WoE by telling MsErrie that she couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag- war taken over when EoE swooped in and took out WoE.
Spring 2006: Dominion and Warriors of Eternity vs Republic of Ravenblack and Seraphim- Fighting with WoE at first, switched sides mid-war when she was given the truth.
Winter 2006- Warriors of Eternity vs Enforcers of Enlightenment- Started by Pea- fighting alone with her childer Kaio and grandchilde Tifereth. EoE came in on request of Kaio to save his sire, Pea. WoE destroyed. Pea took leadership of Ferrymen soon after, a plot designed by sartori, using hesu. Sartori D&B before the plot could complete.
Fall 2009- Ferrymen vs. Hells Angels- Fight with vulgarvamp- Pea attacked first. Mid-war Pea ended it.
December 2009- Following that war, Pea resigned from Ferrymen after betrayed by many members and leaders for a piece of technology. Severed companion and buried herself for several years.
January 2015- Returned from slumber.
May 2016- Became City Mayor
February 2017- Built the RB Lifestyles Social Website/ Event Calendar
March 2017- Opened Tantibus
August 2017- Closed Tantibus
October 2017- Moved Mayor's Office/Event Calendar to As It Is- reopened Carnal Desires after it's close in 2008. Started working for and designing RB Beat.
April 2019- Transtitioned Ravenblack As it Is into a full newspaper Started clan, RavenBane.
November 2019- Opened RavenBane for new blood.
March 2020- Opened RavenBane to city.

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