
This is Pea's story- background- in the city and out, as seen from the perspective of Pea and her writer.
Prior to the city- Pea came in with little to no memory of her human life. Turned vampire on October 31, 2004. 10 years in, pieces started to come back, fragmented memories.
Fragments: A mother witch who was using her body as a vessel to carry the souls of those wanting a brief shot at living again- some to murder, some to say goodbye, some to do things they missed one more time.
Fragments: A father who loved her, doted on her, sat for hours and watched her dance.
Fragments: Skateboarding, Painting, Dancing, Murders, Teary-eyed goodbyes. Love. Hate. Passion. Sickness. Betrayal.
Mid 2018, Pea began to try and sort the fragments- her own skills, passions, and thoughts apart from those by souls that she carried. Who was she? She really had no idea and the fragments made it only more frustrating and painful.
Months in she discovered none of it was her own. Pea is on a path of self-discovery that is leading her down a terrible terrible path.
Pea's FIRST ever experience in the city was walking along to a bank, and being robbed with every step she took. She had no idea powers and guilds and clans even existed. She was just a lost wandering soul. When she stopped to look at the woman robbing her, the woman doused her in holy water, which stunned Pea. Pea took a garlic spray vial from her bag, the only weapon she had and had found laying on the ground one day. She lobbed it back, what could it hurt to defend herself? The day went on like nothing had happened as she made her way to the bank. The next morning- she woke zeroed by 43 vampires- the leader Archangel leaving a message- "You'll need friends in this city if you want to survive." Pea was determined now to see that man dead.
She joined her first clan.
Pea's first partner within the city was Koubier- strictly a war binding for the purposes of waving during war runs. He was part of her first clan, run by Koz (then known as Archen), and Lady Bondage. The clan disbanded when the warriors walked out. Pea and Koubier severed their binding though remained long time friends until he fell into a deep and permanent sleep. She learned some basics of powers and fighting here.
Pea joined Warriors of Eternity
In WoE- Pea started to venture out of clan walls into the city proper, despite orders not to do so. It was here she met Kaio and sired him. Together they walked each and every city block together while he got his powers. Pea never left his side so he would not be terribly bored while powering. Kaio was her first ever childe in the city. She learned of many many lies within WoE she had been fed to keep her controlled and hiding behind clan walls. She learned of terrible, disgusting things- and that her clan WoE was defending Archangel, the man who Pea was destined to kill. She left, declaring the leader, Ms. Eerie, a terrible leader who couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag. Kaio and her best friend, Rev Awk left along side of her.
Pea joined Splinters
Pea found her way into splinters after having met Sartori during the grand city announcement of Ms Eerie's lack of skills as a leader. Sartori and Pea instantly hit it off and Sartori sired Pea. The two joined Splinters of Dusk, where Pea learned to accept that blood was meaningless and took nothing from her life when lost. Standing on principles was far more valuable than blood ever would be. However, a rule of Splinters was that you could not defend yourself, should you be attacked, to prove your lack of investment in blood.
WoE attacked Pea 6 months later.
WoE took 6 months to respond to Pea's insult in the newspaper. They waited until she was a Splinter, and disallowed from defending herself. Cowards. Pea was furious that they behaved so cowardly. She cared not for blood but she had learned her own principles were at stake here. She left behind the Splinters and fought off WoE. Alone. She was determined to make them suffer for their coward act. Kaio joined her. Then Tiffereth (Kaio's childe at the time), then Sartori. The group of them fighting for several long months- at minimal blood under 3k pints, WoE members all with well over 30k and nearly 25 of them. WoE were never able to zero their small targets, only proving Pea's original insult about terrible leaders. After several months, Kaio had taken residence in a clan, SIE. There he asked the leader to help Pea, without Pea knowing. Despite her anger about having "help" Enforcers came in and wiped WoE out entirely over night. It was over.
Carnal Desires
Pea opened a bar called Carnal Desires, a sexual club, open for citizens to explore their deepest desires. Rooms instilled with magic so that the first to cross the threshold of a given room would be met with the deepest, darkest, secret desire they held, a chance to explore alone or with a partner. It became such a huge city success that Pea won her first award- Noob Award for new citizen to give back in a major way to the community.
Pea joined Ferrymen
Finally a proper clan. Pea joined Ferrymen with Sartori. Annabelle was leader with Jean Devenn, RoD, and soon after, Cerridwen. Annabelle taught Pea within the Corridor- the clan school. Was a proper clan experience though many of the D'dary left when Cerridwen was made leader over the more obvious choice of Sartori, simply because she was married to a leader. The D'dary were Sartori's lineage- the name created with Sartori's then childer- Pea, Andre, Rena and Mia. During all of this, Sartori was teaching them to "live fight" and writing the manual on the entirely new strategy for war. Pea and Sartori did their first live fight ever- as sire and childe, to kill King Lestat and his bride, Gringa, known now as Gallagher. The pair offered to let Lestat carry the body of his bride home during a war, after her zeroing and when he ported in, the pair jumped and killed him live with a bomb run of attacks. Once the war over and D'dary left Ferrymen, Pea remained based on an "under the table" deal made with her sire, Sartori. Sever him, sire to Hesu of SIE and try to gain control of Ferrymen. It worked. She sired to Hesu, she was made the Stygian of Ferrymen a few months later. However, by that time, Sartori had buried himself and the other D'dary did not believe her story and disowned her. Now she was left without family and a full clan to run, alone.
Pea the Leader
Pea stayed leader of Ferrymen. By the time she had taken the reigns, it had become a sad state- lots of inactive members, quiet, no one was working. Pea did an overhaul- kicked them all out and filled the walls with active members again. Within a few months she was up to 60+ active members. She was a leader focused on morale, team building, parties and drinking. She was never great at politics- led by her emotions too often. Lots of wars, and lots of betrayals within Ferrymen. Pea bound briefly to RevAwk- one of her guides from the previous clan WoE- he set her up with a fortune of coin he had stolen from under the neutral clan Beljeferon. He severed to go find life in a new city. During this time, Pea returned to the first promise she ever made for herself in the city- Kill Archangel. She took her new, beautiful, active clan and found that shit hiding in the shadows of the city, with nothing any more. She scrolled him from 50k pints of blood to 0 and used him as war practice for her people. She left him a small note- "I found friends" and washed her hands of him for good, despite his return and attempt to build an alliance with her once she was a city leader. Later, her childer, Kaio, betrayed SIE, and Hesu, and Hesu responded with a public declaration that required her childe, and Stygian of Ferrymen, to sever Kaio as childe or she would pay the price with her blood. Pea refused, and died at the hands of Hesu for her disobedience. Pea severed Hesu instead, and cut the alliance between Ferry and SIE.
During her leadership of Ferrymen, Pea married whatdidyousay, a vampire that had long pursued Pea. For two years he asked her to marry him and for two years she remained steadfast in staying friends. However, he joined, served as her war master, and eventually during a two week vacation from the city, Pea realized how she missed him and not just needed his counsel but loved it, and him. They bound on his return and stayed bound years until he too decided he could no longer live within the city, being pulled to darkness, he severed Pea to find love again, and went back to the darkness he was born from. This left Pea so twisted up, she could barely function. She had no idea how to be without him any longer.
The End of Ferrymen
In her grief, she let in Ravana- into her clan and as her partner. A man from an opposing clan who chose to betray them for the love of Pea, or so she thought, wanted to believe. He brought with him a technology that allowed her members to function far easier to collect coins and battle. They became obsessed with this tech, to the point Ravana was able to take the clan's loyalty to her right from under and began to give orders opposed to Pea, with the understanding should they choose Pea, he would take the precious tech away. Pea decided it was enough. She severed him, threw him out of the clan, locked the doors, left the clan as well and passed the keys on to a briefly returned WDYS and Liski, who still runs Ferrymen. Ravana left the city for several years and took his tech with him and Pea, in her absolute grief, buried herself.
Pea's childer
During the years she was awake, Pea had few childer. She was particular and remains so. However, she tended to sire the boys- the ones that stirred up chaos wherever they went- she gave them a place to be chaotic, be loved, have fun, and a sire who would die for them even when they brought it on themselves. Among those childer were- Kaio, Liander, Deylin, Louvain, and Draconis. There were others, but these particular childer were part of Pea. To her, they were her heart and soul, more important than anyone could be to her. They both put her on a pedestal and made her feel...safe. Kaio remains. After Pea buried herself, she lost the others. However, they remain part of her heart and soul, no matter the details now- and much to the difficult position it puts her in to love them so. Losing a childer, for Pea, is hard on her and she continues to struggle even years later, having lost these particular childer. Pea had always refused to sire the girls, not enjoying the level of drama that came with them. That later changed and she is often daily reminded of why she didn't like siring girls.
Dead & Buried
During the years of death, Pea was in a hell of her own making, trapped inside her head to replay the last few years over and over- her mistakes, her worst moments, and some of her small wins. Seyda had been a part of all of it, an enemy leader of an opposing clan, having warred with her- and having had Seyda come to her on multiple occasion to warn Pea of the mistakes she was making and what would happen. Pea usually ignored her, determined to make her own path. There were years of screaming matches. Turns out, Seyda was more often right than not. For years in the dirt, Pea tried to figure out why, why of all people, did an enemy leader *CARE* what she was doing, and why did she constantly try to help. Pea became obsessed about finding this answer. It haunted her. She finally came out of the dirt and went searching for Seyda.
Pea returned. Found Seyda. Found her lost childer. Pea mentioned to Liander why she came back, how it haunted her that Seyda had always tried to help. Liander was disappointed that Pea came back but not for him, not for the childer that LOVED her and NEEDED her. He wasn't wrong. He walked away. She lost her lion for good. This has been the hardest internal struggle Pea has endured in the years since her return. Anytime Liander is seen, Pea's emotions will get out of whack and it takes days before she can pull it together. She will never recover from the pain of that mistake, nor forgive herself for it.
Pea Joined Yggdrasil
Pea joined Yggdrasil with Seyda, and just as she was graduating into the main clan, Ophelia tossed the keys and walked out to marry Damacus and leave her friends and clan behind. Years of friendship gone, destroyed Seyda for some time- her and Pea worked together, soon binding and marrying, to get through the next few years of hell in the city as they closed the doors to Yggdrasil and moved to work on their bloodline and leave clan life behind.
Mayor Pea
Pea announced herself mayor during a drunk night in the tavern atop of Ezra's shoulders. That title stuck for 2 years, and Pea gave in, started having fun with it- Mayor Swag and Mayor City Events. Pea had always had a thing for city games and fun events between wars. She remained mayor for two years. Finally stepped down after naysayers wore her down, insisting they could do it better. After she stepped down, no one did anything. Cliques went back to being cliques. Still remains so.
Magnetic Pea
During a ritual gone awry with one of the pair's loves and friends, Annabelle, having walked away from the couple, Pea and Seyda had removed their hearts, a ritual to tie their emotions to the dead organ so they no longer had to keep dealing with the pain of loss. In return, Pea learned how that did her no favors either and they returned the hearts, only Pea's came back magnetic- a blessing and curse from whatever Gods Seyda riled up. Fun. She sticks to everything. It took months to learn control, though anytime her emotions are out of her control, she struggles to keep that magnetic ability in check and havoc ensues.
Pea Opens Tantibus
Pea opened Tantibus, an effort to train others how to lead and to defend new clans, bloodlines or other businesses from the likes of Damacus, a man driven to destroy anyone who was not easily controlled by him. Despite his constant declarations of rebuilding the city, he was the worst dictator the city had ever seen, and his obsession with ruining Seyda, turned him into a mad man. Once Ophelia left him...his reign crumbled. Tantibus was not successful at this time. The city was just not ready to rebuild so Pea closed the doors.
Pea and Seyda started to live a poly-amorous life, something Seyda brought up as it was always her truth. They had a few relationships that were learning experiences for the most part, about who they were together and apart with others. Finally, Seyda married Annabelle. Pea married wolf, which went very badly, as he promised forever, truth at all times, and to always be at her side, and gave her none of these things. Lies and constant loneliness. Eventually they severed, and Pea decided to give Koli a chance, finally. They had moments in the past and Koli had revealed he had long had something there for her but always assumed it to be something he could never explore. They are now exploring.
Pea struggles to work on who she is, who Lucine is, and her REAL life prior to being Pea the vampire. She knows now she is demon, never human, and these fragmented memories never belonged to her but to Lucine, the woman's body she inhabits. Now with friends and family wanting to "fix" Pea, she has to find a way to fix herself, without losing who she is in the process.
During this she opened Ravenbane to the city after a year of work. A community meant to foster new blood in the city to navigate the politics, the clans, the bars, the relationships all within a smaller set of walls that mock the overall city. The intention is to give them a taste of all different perspectives and parts of the city so as they are set free, they have lots of information and training to choose a path that fits their goals and desires, without incidentally being sucked into a world created to form cookie cutter creatures of one bloodline or clan.