Seyda St. John Wolfe-Adaire
Powers: Second-sight Suction(2) Surprise Perception Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)
IGN: Seyda
Nicknames: MomPire, Momma, Mami, Mataji, Mamapire, Blondie, Barbie, Boobs, Alice, Blonde Hurricane, Barbie Seuss, Gran, Squash, Syd/Syddy, Seddie (Rawnie only; Seyda actually dislikes it but tolerates it from her)
Physical Attributes:
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'10
Weight: 115
Eyes: Blue-Green - change according to her mood (due to glamour power)
Blue-Green: Normal
Black: Emotionless/Empty
Slate Gray: Sad
Lavender to Violet: Turned on
Red: Anger
Green: Blood Lust
Amber: Love/Devotion
Cerulean: Excitement
Identifying Marks:
Scar across her stomach from private bonding ritual to Pea
Burn scars on the back of neck/shoulder area
Horizontal scar on chest from heart removal/replacement
Burn scars down her left arm
Piercings: Tongue and Upper ear cartilage (2 holes on right)
Tattoos on lower back, ankle, around right wrist (matching wife yin yang- truth bracelet), left inside wrist (St. John crest), and left hip (pink flaming unicorn)

Alignment: Historically, she has been both lawful evil and chaotic evil, but over the past few years, has shifted between the various chaotic alignments.
Family Information:
Marital status: Married
Wives - ladypeacek, Annabelle (Partner-bound)
The Ex's Club: Wolfshadow, obsidian lace de Beaumont-Aeternus-St. John-Lokason, Lady of Warwick, Asmia St. John, Dea di Luna, Dahlia, Ryukotsusei
Sire: None
Former sires: annell (maker), so i did him, Drella, Annabelle, darkwolf
Siblings: None
Childer: Count Chocula, nitenurse, Wyndcryer, emo_vampire, Majica, shadowsshade, Kiki, Solanea, Maureen, Serena Moon, James Locke (Lingering Will)
Former Childer: Anders (+), AnnaMolly (+), Blicious [adopted] (+), Daly [adopted] (+/-), Delphine (+/-), Eslyn (+/-), Hells Gate (-), Jair (-), Jonah (+), Julia (-), Katastrophe (-), Lass (-), Liz Summers (+), Master Dracula (+), Paul (+), tgcsmith (-), Vetras (+), Whitefang (-), Koz (+/-), Carpathia (-), Rubi (+)
The Influencers: obsidian (+), Hesu (+/-), ophelia (+/-), Liz Summers (+)
Special Powers:
Dimension Walking (skill level: poor) - discovered on accident
Teleport without a scroll (skill level: expert) - Inspired by Hesu
Glamour (skill level: below average) - a gift given to her by Phoenixxe
Blood Magic (skill level: expert) - for every blessing, there is a curse
Astrologial Sign: Scorpio