Seyda’s biggest merit is that she will tell someone the truth…whether they like what she’s saying or not. There is no sugar coating to this ‘piress. If she thinks you’re useless, you’ll know it and know it quickly. She is generally very reserved towards those she doesn’t know, but fiercely loyal to those closest to her. She has a rather bizarre sense of humor that others in the city either find very refreshing or very annoying…there usually isn’t a middle ground.
Always thinking, if there is a way out of a situation, Seyda will find it. And if there truly isn’t, she’ll find a way to make it suit her anyway. She also has a sometimes unrealistic sense of responsibility, taking it for essentially anything negative that occurs under her watch. Seyda is also very willing to not only grow and learn herself, but to encourage everyone around her to do so as well, and if she’s the one that has to teach it, so be it. Seyda also has an uncanny ability to keep a lid on her emotions during most situations. It is very rare for her to really “flip out,” but if she does, look out.

Very stubborn. If she has convinced herself that her point of view is correct, there will be no changing her mind. She has a tendency to be so hands on with things under her command that she neglects herself or stretches herself so thin that everyone feels that she’s neglecting them. Seyda has a rather arrogant public persona and has no problem slapping someone down if she perceives the situation as a challenge, whether it be verbal or physical. She is also extremely self-critical to the point of her self-deprecating comments offending those who love her. Being her own biggest critic is what gives her the confidence to be as arrogant as she is publically, as there isn’t a soul in the city who is harder on her than herself. In addition, Seyda is extremely hypersensitive to any situation involving her childer secondary to the death of Wyndcryer, as she feels responsible for missing the signs of her childe's sadness. This situation has led to a psychotic break through with a definite manifestation of paranoid schizophrenia. The hypersensitivity was blunted significantly after the death of her childe, Majica, which is how she was able to withstand the mass severings of 2016 without being completely devastated. Seyda also has dissociative tendencies secondary to her upbringing and as a byproduct of monarch programming.
Likes: Loyalty, Honesty, Following the work hard/play hard philosophy, Redheads, Technology, Games, War, Astrology
Dislikes: Lying, Self Promotion with nothing to actually promote, Laziness, Those who whine about what others have yet don’t wish to work to attain the same, Stupidity, Disrespect, Snakes, Heights